With both the New York and New Jersey budgets to be finalized in the coming weeks, we’re counting on our CFS community to step up and show their support for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and the organizations and staff who work with them. Here are a few ways you can make a difference.
For more information about these opportunities, contact innovativeteam@cfsny.org
SANYS Budget Panel – March 16th, 7pm
Governor Hochul’s Proposed Budget does NOT include enough money for people with disabilities! What can you do? Learn from the expert panel.
Save the Date Rally in Albany – March 23rd
The New York Disability Advocates (NYDA) is in the process of planning a rally to continue to gain legislators’ attention on the need to include funds in the final FY 2024 State Budget to support the intellectual and developmental disabilities workforce and not-for-profit agencies. The event is tentatively scheduled for March 23rd at the Legislative Office Building in Albany.
CFS Advocacy Meeting – March 29th, 4pm
We need to keep up our advocacy efforts for the next several weeks until we get to the final budget agreement that we need for our services! Together, we will write a letter to send to our Assemblymembers and Senators advocating for the 8.5% COLA and DSWE!
Conduct Your Own Advocacy in NY
In the next few weeks, Governor Hochul and the State Legislature will be finalizing the New York State budget. The decisions they make will impact the people we support, their families and our employees. Now is the time to make your voice heard. We are advocating for the following priorities:
- Create a Direct Support wage enhancement to help with the recruitment and retention of staff. This would allow us to provide up to $4,000 per eligible employee to increase the hourly rate of our DSPs.
- Provide non-profits with an 8.5% Cost of Living Adjustment to help pay for food, gas, insurance, etc. Every New Yorker has seen the impact of inflation on their everyday lives. The Governor has recommended a 2.5% increase and that is clearly not enough.
- Support the Governor’s proposal to tie minimum wage to the rate of inflation but ensure that whenever the state increases the minimum wage, non-profits are given the money to fund these increases.
Our state legislature is divided into two separate bodies: the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly. We are each represented by one State Senator and one State Assembly Member, each determined by your address.
These elected officials like to be contacted by email or telephone. Or, you can contact their local office and ask for a meeting with the elected official or relevant staff member.