As you’re aware, with CFS continued organizational growth and dynamic changes in the organization – CFS has chosen UKG to be the new all- inclusive HR Management & Payroll System.
Beginning on Friday, October 13th – you will be able to log into UKG to verify your employee information.
You will begin to use UKG to enter your time beginning on Saturday, October 14th.
*For employees using Evero and Therap – you will continue to enter your time in Evero and Therap
-> Watch this training video for information and demonstrations on using UKG <-
-> SDS Staff use this UKG training video <-
Logging into UKG
Logging into UKG: CFS – https://CFSNY.ukg.net
- Your username will be your CFS email address
- Employees will utilize their CFS work email
- Your Initial Password will be your Date of Birth – example: 09221980
- No punctuation in your DOB
- You will then create a new password that is minimum of 15 characters
- CFS uses Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) that provides added security to your data by requiring users to enter a supplied code to verify that they are who they say they are
- Users will be sent a code via email or text to verify their identity
Logging into UKG via Mobile App – Download this PDF for more information
- Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store on your mobile device and download both the UKG Pro Classic Mobile App
- Enter the Company Access Code: CFSNY
- Enter your Username and Password to sign in
- Employees will utilize their CFS work email
- Your Initial Password will be your Date of Birth – example: 09221980
- No punctuation in your DOB
- You will then create a new password that is minimum of 15 characters
Password Requirements:
- Minimum Password Length: Web policy minimum password length is 15.
- Phone minimum password length is 6
- Maximum Repeated Characters: The user can not use a letter or number in their password 4 times
- Failed Password 3rd Attempt Lockout: Indicates how long users who enter their password incorrectly are locked out of trying again after the third attempt. Users are locked out for a minimum of 30 minutes. Applies to web and phone policies
Notes, FAQ, and Troubleshooting
- Make sure to access the website via the CFS website – click on ‘work for CFS’ and then ‘for staff’ – and down the bottom is a quick link for UKG – if you just google it, you will not get the correct link.
- Make sure to enter the CFS email manually – cutting and pasting can sometimes lead to an issue.
- The DOB needs to be as follows MMDDYYYY with no breaks.
- After three attempts you will get locked out and will have to wait 30 minutes before being able to try again.
- When making up your new password – its long!! – so best to write it down on paper first and check that it complies with ALL the requirements, or you might get locked out again.
- If you cannot get in and need admin assistance – please send us a screenshot with the email and password visible.
- Let us know if you are attempting to log in on the desktop/laptop/mobile phone to the UKG Pro classic Website.
- Here is the link to the YouTube training for logging in to UKG, please share with others.
- Here is the one for the SDS staff:
- Accruals and PTO will not be visible in UKG just yet. They will be added once the final PayCom payroll cycle is complete.
Next Steps – First Things I should do in UKG
The CFS team has worked very hard on implementing UKG with all of your employee data. To ensure we have the most current information in UKG – we recommend that you log into UKG to review all of your data.
Review all Personal Information
- Name, Address, Telephone
- Emergency Contacts, Dependents, Beneficiaries
- Private Information – SSN, DOB, Gender, Ethnicity, Disability & Veteran Status
Review Job Information
- Job Title, Supervisor, Location, Dept
- Rate of Pay
Review Pay Information
- Direct Deposits
- Income Tax Elections
Review Benefits
- Benefit Elections
- Investment Amounts – 401K or Roth
CFS Expenses
- An email was sent to you previously regarding entering your expenses into Concur, please refer to that for expense information
UKG Assistance
Your HR and Payroll teams are here to support you if you have any questions with UKG
- For HR or Access related questions, please contact – HumanResources@cfsny.org
- For Payroll related questions, please contact – PRHelp@cfsny.org
- For CFS Email related questions, please contact – HelpDesk@cfsny.org