The ladies who live in our Underhill Individual Residential Alternative (IRA) residence and apartments in the Bronx are some of the happiest, most outgoing individuals we support at CFS. That all starts with the amazing support they get from their outstanding staff, who we call their Fairy God Mothers – Annette, Leila, and Maria. These three amazing staff are truly role models who we are proud to have in our CFS. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month we wanted to recognize their dedication, support, and heritage, so we asked them to share a bit about themselves and what they love about supporting the Underhill Ladies.
“I’m half Dominican and Puerto Rican. I have been with CFS for 16 years. I love this role since in this role I have supported their dreams. During my time working at Underhill, I’ve supported five girls to reach their goal of having their own apartment, and now I’m assisting the sixth one. As their residence Medical Coordinator, I advocate to lower their medication so they can have a healthier life, My passion is to see them reach their goals.“

“I am Dominican. I joined this prestigious CFS family in 2015. I currently provide support at the Underhill residence and I’ve been working with one of our individuals, Ana, under the Community Habilitation program for a few years as well. I think I was born for this role, I love what I do. Treating Ana with respect, love and motivating her to grow as a person is my passion. I make sure that she understands that no condition limits her from moving forward and achieving goals in this society. Seeing positive results in Ana drives me every day to be a better DSP. On Saturdays I work with the five of the residence ladies, and I enjoy it with all my being, I call them my girls, my princesses. It is an honor for me to be part of CFS Family.“

“I am Dominican. I have been part of the CFS Family since 2015. I am grateful for this role in CFS, from the first day at CFS I have supported Connie to the present, I have seen her grow into such a amazing young lady throughout all these years. It is a satisfaction for me to see Connie’s progress, it’s so rewarding to know that I have been part of her growth. I love this calling, I love the person I support , and I will continue to advocate for approval so that her dream can come true, which is to someday visit Disney World and her country of origin, the Dominican Republic.”