The CFS Workforce Committee is excited to announce the April Employees of the Month: Mariska Joy Browne in New York and Luz Valdez in New Jersey. Both individuals represent the best part of the organization, and are a joy to work with. Congratulations to you both!
Luz Valdez, Residential Support Staff New Jersey
Luz enjoys coming to work every day. She loves to provide quality service, and can anticipate the needs of the women she supports. Often, she’ll come into the residence and take the ladies to program without being asked to do it.
Luz works so hard keeping the house clean and organized. She makes sure the dinner is cooked during her shift, laundry is neatly folded and put away, her paperwork is always completed.
Luz is a team player. When someone needs to say late, she always says: “I don’t have little kids at home. My son is in College. I can stay for you, sure no problem”. Her dedication to those she supports, the residence, her team members, and CFS make her a perfect Employee of the Month!
When we asked Luz if she had anything to say about winning Employee of the Month, she said: I have been working with this population for more than 20 years. I love my job because I do it with my heart. I think that I would continue working with this population until I retire. I do not see myself doing another job. I enjoy when I see the people I support happy.

Mariska Joy Browne, Direct Support Professional New York Self Directed Supports
Mariska “Joy” Browne has been Direct Support Professional to Zahra since July 2014. She has weathered the complexities of supporting an individual whose developmental and emotional issues are extremely complex and often bewildering. She has worked enthusiastically and inquisitively with Zahra’s psychiatrist, her physicians and other providers to become an invaluable and integral member of Zahra’s care team and develop a deep, intricate understanding of the inter-play between ADHD, autism, Asperger’s, Tourette Syndrome, OCD, bi-polar disorder, and sleep and eating disorders.
She has shown the utmost regard for Zahra, cared for her with an endearing blend of compassion and tough love, exhibited super human patience, kept a sense of humor, implemented methods aimed at producing positive behavioral changes, objectively evaluated the success or failure of those methods and worked hard to keep our family motivated during times of utter despair. Joy accomplished all of this while raising her own two children and continuing her academic studies. This month, she will be inducted into the National Honor Society and receive her Masters Degree in Psychology.
Zahra’s family are eternally grateful for the love, support, wisdom, humor, common sense, direction and dedication she has showered upon their family.