Disability Rights New Jersey (DRNJ) is the federally designated organization for disability rights in the state of New Jersey. DRNJ participates in the Protection and Advocacy for Voter Access (PAVA) program, to ensure that people with disabilities have the opportunity to vote on Election Day.
Due to COVID-19, there are real questions about how voting will work this November. As part of the PAVA program, DRNJ is providing free voting resources so that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) have what they need to vote in the November election. Resources include:
- Staff Trainings for organizations, both residential and community-based, serving I/DD communities
- Voting Presentations for families of people with I/DD
- Accessible Voting Resources for members of the I/DD community
- Voter Question Hotline: 866-493-0023 | voterhotline@drnj.org (0perating during regular business hours and 7AM to 8PM on Election Day)
DRNJ strongly recommends proactive steps to learn about voting in the upcoming election and ensure that individuals with I/DD are prepared to vote in November. To reach DRNJ about voting resources, please contact aparente@drnj.org.