The CFS Workforce Committee is excited to announce the July Employees of the Month:
Tiffany Thomas, Direct Support Professional
Almost two years ago Tiffany Thomas entered the world of CFS as a young grandmother, naturally nurturing and caring who wanted to share herself with others. Little did she know that walking into the Bryant Avenue CFS Residence would be a definitive moment in her life that has impacted the lives of 7 service recipients and her co-workers that grew to love her dedication and devotion to her job.
Tiffany developed a unique connection with one of the residents who was not in a day program at the time and who was spending a lot of time shut away from everyone in isolation. Tiffany would consistently talk to her and encourage her to come out of her shell and explore other areas of interest.
Creating meaningful communication, Tiffany listened to what made her happy and what was important to her. She loved to socialize but tended to favor doing the majority of that enclosed in the confines of her room on her tablet. Due to her limiting herself to just being in her room she started to gain weight, and her confidence started to decline. Tiffany developed a plan with her to walk locally in the community a few times out of the week which accomplished two things; getting her out of her comfort zone and boosting her confidence by supporting her with losing weight.
Although she still loves to talk on social media to her peers, Tiffany helps facilitate meeting up with one of her friends in person on an official dinner date. This date was a pivotable moment which allowed the service recipient to connect, build confidence and crack her shell wide open.
Currently, the service recipient is thriving. She lost weight, she is more active in her community, and she is planning more things of interest. Tiffany Thomas made a deposit in her development by taking the time to make a difference which she graciously has done.
When we asked Tiffany if she had anything to say about winning Employee of the Month, she said: “I’m extremely excited and grateful that I have been acknowledged it means more than you know. I really love what I do and the people I serve.”
Mary Kalb, Direct Support Professional
Mary’s submission was submitted by the family of someone supported by CFS, Emily.
Mary was such a great support and mentor for Emily. While Emily was preparing for an important interview to attend the Positive Transition to Work (PTW) program and LIU-CW Post, Mary made sure she was prepared. This is not unusual, however, she was instrumental during the process despite just having had oral surgery. Mary definitely put Emily’s needs above her own in this instance.
Mary consistently balances the roles of nurturer, cheerleader, mentor and manager when it comes to Emily’s goals.
Mary is extremely flexible with scheduling and very effective when it comes to encouraging Emily to step out of her comfort zone.
Many have seen improvements in Emily’s independence, determination and motivation which can significantly be attributed to Mary’s contribution, patience and efforts.
Her accomplishments with Emily and her unwavering focus on Emily’s success are most definitely worth of recognition and thanks.